Impact Project Accelerator
Coconut Impact Project Accelerator
The partnerships' flagship initiative
The Accelerator’s dedicated support from expert mentors and advisors to impact projects through their design, recruitment and funding phases fills an identified resources gap among individual member companies and addresses a current lack of linkages between public and private programs.
Members can suggest projects for consideration and receive guidance to see their projects better supported and made more credible and accessible to upstream producers, offtakers and investors.
How sustainable coconut projects benefit from the
Impact Project Accelerator
1. Mentorship & Guidance
Looking to align project with the Coconut Charter, assessing the needs on the ground? designing a fit project from proven approaches ?
Experienced mentors and advisors provide guidance and support to project in their design, recruitment and funding phase through expertise and connexions.
4. Access to investors & Offtakers
Looking to scale?
Introduce project teams to investors or provide guidance on how to successfully pitch to investors and offtakers.
2. Partners recruitment
Looking for off takers, upstream partners, on the ground implementation partners, ad hoc support ?
The network of industry contacts and the visibility of the partnership can come in handy to connect with the right people and resources to advance impact projects.
5. Access to resources
...And funding ?
Beyond in kind resources, the Impact Project Accelerator is looking to develop a true impact fund after its incubation phase
3. Validation & Credibility
Seeking supply chain validation ?
Project in the impact Project Accelerator earn credibility and validation, which can be helpful when seeking scaling, funding or new partners.
6. On going support & visibility beyond the project’s lifetime
Looking for long term success ?
Supporting with exit strategies and legacy improvements so as projects are truly sustainable